How Do I Get Off with a Stone Wand? An Essay by Vanessa Cuccia

“I feel really embarrassed to ask this question but that just means I have to ask it! I’m very excited to purchase a Chakrub when the jade one becomes available...

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Creating Crystal Grids with Chakrubs

Creating crystal grids with Chakrubs is one of my favorite ways to direct energy and manifest intentions. In my book Crystal Healing and Sacred Pleasure, I share a crystal grid ritual...

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I Healed That: A Mantra for Recognizing Growth

Chakrubs was never solely about a product. I wanted to encourage people to feel empowered to state, “I am healing.” Doing so shows that you are acknowledging an area of...

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A Breast Massage for Emotional Alchemy

Breasts were our first home outside of the womb. Infants are placed upon their mother’s chest when they’re born and regardless of whether they’re breastfed, they are typically fed in...

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Ev'Yan Whitney's Tips for Using Chakrubs

One thing that vibrators never gave me was a full, unhindered connection to my sexuality. There was always a level of detachment, however small, that kept me from accessing the...

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Choosing a Chakrub for Healing Past Trauma: Rose Quartz or Black Obsidian

Depending on your current situation, how much time you have to dedicate to this healing, and how much support you have, it may be best to start with something that...

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Intention Writing with Chakrubs

Intention writing can be a significant element when working with a Chakrub. The difference between a traditional sex toy and your chakrubs is that chakrubs not only provide instant gratifying physical pleasure, but...

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Rejuvenate Your Love With a Venus Shrine

Venus reminds us that love is about two things— giving and receiving. Being an emblem of the Divine Feminine, Venus challenges us to become empowered receivers of love. Intimacy is...

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1-8 of 26 articles