Menstrual Relief Ritual with Chakrubs: A Guide
This personal approach to menstrual relief involves using a Chakrub, a crystal massage wand, as an internal warming tool. The heat from the Chakrub helps to alleviate muscular tension and...

The Magnetic Power of Relaxation: How a relaxed aura is sexy, magnetic, and allows for deeper presence in pleasure.
There is a difference between a body that is merely touched and a body that is truly receptive. The difference between a fleeting glance and a gaze that lingers. Between...

Move Slow, Feel Deep
In a world that moves fast - where efficiency is prioritized over experience and productivity overshadows presence - it’s easy to forget that pleasure, too, has a pace. Slow...

Crystals & Numbness
Another way Chakrubs work to increase pleasurable sensitivity is through the idea to address the underlying emotional factor that may be causing internal numbness. Many of us have never felt...

Choose Your Crystal, Choose Your O
Depending on what feelings you are craving in your itimate life right now, it can be helpful to understand how the properties of different crystals could influence your experience.

Manifesting Orgasms: A Guide to Creating Fulfilling Pleasure
Manifesting orgasms is ultimately about creating a life filled with intention, connection, and joy. With each practice, you are learning to harness the energy of pleasure as something transformative, something...

How to Use Chakrubs - 7 Ways
Chakrubs are versatile tools that go beyond the surface. They aren’t just for one thing or another - they offer different ways to connect with yourself, whether that’s physically, emotionally,...

Non-Sexual Ways To Connect With Your Chakrub
This article was written by Julianna Carbonare There is a natural magnetism to Chakrubs, both in name and form, that many people find themselves drawn to. While the initial...