The Energetic Process of Clearing Your Pelvic Bowl

In the fall of 2019, I started experiencing pelvic pain. Here’s what I would have told myself about the phrase and practice I was starting to hear about, ‘clearing my...

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Nurturing Creativity With Your Moon Cycle

The Moon culminates in fullness every single month, going through her phases predictably since the beginning of time as we know it. Yet, the themes La Luna illuminates are mysterious...

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Releasing Throat Chakra Blocks Through The Cervix

When the flow of energy is blocked in the throat chakra, we often feel at a loss for words or a chronic tightness in the throat area. As the chakra...

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Choosing Crystals Based on Color Magic

Every color holds a specific intention, vibrational energy, and emotional response. An easy and potent way to harness the magic of a specific color is through crystals. By working with...

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Here's What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Coping Mechanisms

Astrology is having a major moment in pop culture and many of us are discovering just how much information is contained within our natal birth charts (which provides a snapshot...

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Here's What Your Mars Sign Says About Your Seduction Style

If you’re a 90’s kid like me, you may remember a best-selling book that our parents and all of their friends seemed to own: Men Are From Mars and Women...

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Cocktails for the Chakras

Chakra translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit and the chakra system refers to energetic wheels that are mapped throughout the entire body, similar to a spiritual nervous system. The seven main...

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Strengthening Intuition Through Plant Care

I used to assume I had a black thumb, doomed to kill any plant left in my care. This wasn’t based on any hard evidence, other than a brief attempt...

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9-16 of 27 articles