Cord Cutting with Black Obsidian
Anything we place our attention on creates a cord of connection that grows stronger in tandem with our focus. While day-to-day hiccups are typically easy to let go, negative self-concepts...
Using Your Moon Sign To Integrate Your Shadow
The Tarot invites us to look under our beds and confront the monsters that we’ve been ignoring. Rather than hide from or pretend that our inner demons don’t exist, we...
Embracing the Mystique: The History and Metaphysical Meaning of Chakrubs Crystal Skulls
Crystal skulls have always held a certain allure for me. In fact, the concept of a crystal skull was an early design for Chakrubs back in 2012. However, it was only...
I Healed That: A Mantra for Recognizing Growth
Chakrubs was never solely about a product. I wanted to encourage people to feel empowered to state, “I am healing.” Doing so shows that you are acknowledging an area of...
8 Ways to Reignite Your Sensual Spark
As with everything else, intimate attraction ebbs and flows. In the beginning of a relationship, it is often intense and insatiable, and we never want for new ideas to express our desires....
A Breast Massage for Emotional Alchemy
Breasts were our first home outside of the womb. Infants are placed upon their mother’s chest when they’re born and regardless of whether they’re breastfed, they are typically fed in...
Ev'Yan Whitney's Tips for Using Chakrubs
One thing that vibrators never gave me was a full, unhindered connection to my sexuality. There was always a level of detachment, however small, that kept me from accessing the...
Meditations & Ritual Ideas for the Rabbit Jade Chakrub
The Rabbit Jade is the Chakrub that started it all, the first prototype that Founder Vanessa Cuccia tried for herself that confirmed her belief that the world needed Chakrubs. Fitting,...