Opening Portals with Kathryn Garcia

I came across Kathryn Garcia on Instagram and was immediately deeply intrigued by the work she was doing. It was one of those moments where a photograph speaks a thousand...

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Chakrubs & Acupressure

Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine that is based on the anatomy of the internal organs and how they are all interconnected by pathways called meridians. The...

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The Xaga: Ancient History of Obsidian to Inspire Current Rituals

The Xaga is composed of sturdy obsidian, an igneous rock that forms when molten lava cools and hardens too quickly for crystals to form. Obsidian is a powerful stone that...

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Creation through Insecurity: A Note from the Founder of Chakrubs

When asked about conceptualizing Chakrubs, I often explain how the idea to use crystals for sex toys came about while I was living with a spiritual teacher who was heavily...

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The Prism: Ancient History of Quartz to Inspire Modern Day Practices

The Prism Chakrub is crafted entirely from clear quartz, what is recognized as a universal crystal and one that amplifies any energy or intention it is programmed with. It is...

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Learn How to Tie a String Around Your Yoni Egg

“Can someone explain the egg?” This question pops up a lot. The jade or yoni egg is an intriguing and multifaceted tool for wellbeing. The jade egg practice is dated...

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How to Nourish the Chakra System through Diet

Many of the imbalances we experience in life can be traced in part to a blockage within our main chakra system. Chakras are energy centers and so it makes sense...

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Chakrubs Founder on NTS Radio: Whits & Giggles

Last week, Chakrubs founder Vanessa Cuccia was a guest on “Whits & Giggles”. Check it out at this link:…

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73-80 of 85 articles