Our bodies sing the splendor of our natural world: we sing light, we sign shape, we sing breath.
We move rhythmically, we are cyclical, and we bloom and wither. This is why working with crystals can be so much like coming home to ourselves. But our cycles aren’t always so filled of pleasure or illumination. Other times we are consumed by shadow, and less in touch with ourselves, like a geode encasing the crystal—stoic, fixed, unable to shed our skin to glint and glow. This poetic rose quartz Chakrub ritual for self-love is to be used when the light goes dim or when we’ve lost connection with our bodies and what makes us joyful. Or, it can be used anytime you want to make some time and space for sacred self-adoration.
There is potency and magic in declaring words of self-love, and using poetry can help create a sense of beauty and magic. Working with a rose quartz Chakrubs is ideal for this ritual, as rose quartz is the crystal of gentle love and healing and self-acceptance.
For this ritual, you’ll need:
- A rose quartz Chakrub of your choice
- Rose petals
- The poem included
Optional:Decorative and sacred items that please your senses (like incense, candles, perfume, fruits, wine, or colored fabrics)
- Create a space that feels conducive to healing and love: You might do this in bed or on a special blanket or sheet on the floor. Surround the space with rose petals—in a circle, encasing your sacred space. Bask in their beauty and gentleness. Optional: Decorate your space with other items that might inspire feelings of love. You might have grapes, wine, candles, essential oils, or perfume on hand. You may also choose to undress or wear something comfortable or beautiful, like a lace slip.
- Hold your Chakrub against your heart. This is the soft and compassionate stone of the heart. It wants to be held, and it wants to hold you. It wants to give and receive love. If you feel a little awkward, that’s okay—simply sit in the moment with the Chakrub, allowing its loving energy to radiate into and over you. Imagine that the Chakrub’s energy is removing blocks that prevent you from feeling love. Pleasure yourself in ways that feel good: Maybe that means you stretch or simply run the Chakrub down the length of your body, from head to toe. Be in your body and of your body. Take note of how it all feels. And don’t push too hard if you feel resistance—go slow, be gentle with yourself, and honor your limits.
- Speak this poetic incantation aloud. Begin with these below words, as you hold the Chakrub against your heart. Feel free to amend or adjust the words to ones that more closely fit your needs, but make sure you speak slowly and deliberately:
Of light I am weaving
a trail of sound. I conjure the body of love.
My body a house, a fire, a quietness, a rose garden. I fall into myself a summer thing; of bloom and seed.
Of blood and earth I summon. Let my body be healed.
Let my hands design a gaze of love; I am the gateway.
Aureate and wild, I am the hive.
In me a sacred thing.
In me veils lifting and lifted.
Of wounds watered and windows open.
Rooting, softly; rooting in pink mist.
I wander out of myself and into eternal stretches;
Here is hope, and here is the fullness of life.
And here is my reflection.
In my body, a prism. A petal. A potion.
I am the rose. I am the stone.
I am the bloom.
- Next, close your eyes and acknowledge each of your body parts: Your fingertips, your forearms, your elbows your shoulders, your chest, your throat, your head, your hair, your spine, your hips, your torso, between your legs, your thighs, your knees, your calves, your feet.
- Drape yourself in healing light: Envision your body being draped in pink sparkling light. Breath in and out, letting that light wash across your body. Imagine it healing you and gently nourishing any parts of you that need love or attention.
- Take note of any feelings you have and hold space for them: It’s alright if negative thoughts or distractions move through you. Let them, and then breath them away.
- Acknowledge your ability to heal, grow, and change: Think on how might be hurt or wounded, but that all is temporary, and that you have the chance to grow from that space, to resume your place in the world, to take up space, to blossom.
- Repeat this mantra (“I am the rose, I am the stone, I am the bloom”), as you move your Chakrub across your body—keeping it where you want it to be, where your body needs love and healing: I am the rose. I am the stone. I am the bloom. Think of your body and heart as a natural thing. You are part of the earth, you are the rock of stability, and you are the cycle of bloom and grow. You might whither but all can be reborn: confidence, love, healing, softness, and receptivity.
- Envision a garden blooming around your body. Imagine flowers sprouting up from the deepest parts of the ground around your body, growing alongside you, and enveloping you. What color are the flowers? What do the petals feel like against your skin? Are there blades of grass pushing through your legs, up into your hair? Is the sun warm, or is it dusk? Is there a breeze? Do the flowers sway and sing? Are there insects humming? Are there birds far off? Let yourself experience love by acknowledging that you are doing this ritual because you feel love. Imagine the way the flowers feel as they cradle you; they love you.
- Repeat: I am the rose. I am the stone. I am the bloom.
End when you feel you have been regenerated, or when you’ve left a bit of your wound for the earth to swallow and turn into something beautiful. The next time you do this ritual, there will be one more flower—it is your old self, and it is a testament to your power and grace and divinity.
Feature Image by Guiliana Elina Castellano
Truly; a beautifully divine ritual.
“I am the rose. I am the stone. I am the bloom”
Thank You for this Incredible Inspiration 🌸🙏💞