How Do I Get Off with a Stone Wand? An Essay by Vanessa Cuccia
“I feel really embarrassed to ask this question but that just means I have to ask it! I’m very excited to purchase a Chakrub when the jade one becomes available...
Creating Crystal Grids with Chakrubs
Creating crystal grids with Chakrubs is one of my favorite ways to direct energy and manifest intentions. In my book Crystal Healing and Sacred Pleasure, I share a crystal grid ritual...
Ev'Yan Whitney's Tips for Using Chakrubs
One thing that vibrators never gave me was a full, unhindered connection to my sexuality. There was always a level of detachment, however small, that kept me from accessing the...
Choosing a Chakrub for Healing Past Trauma: Rose Quartz or Black Obsidian
Depending on your current situation, how much time you have to dedicate to this healing, and how much support you have, it may be best to start with something that...
Creating an Ancestral Altar
Our ancestors represent our closest connection to the unseen world. This is especially true for recently passed ancestors who once walked earthside alongside us and whose remains are now becoming...
Buried Treasure - The Preface cut by the publishers of CHSP
In my book, Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure, I discuss many of the philosophies I’ve formulated while developing Chakrubs. This book was a labor of love and while it touches...
Scrying with Rose Quartz
Rose quartz has long been regarded as a stone of love, compassion, and beauty. One ancient Greek myth posits that the crystal originated when Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty,...
Nourishing the Chakra System
The body is our constant ally in this lifetime and apart from getting us from point A to point B, it contains wisdom about the unique gifts we have to...