Intention Writing with Chakrubs
Intention writing can be a significant element when working with a Chakrub. The difference between a traditional sex toy and your chakrubs is that chakrubs not only provide instant gratifying physical pleasure, but...

Rejuvenate Your Love With a Venus Shrine
Venus reminds us that love is about two things— giving and receiving. Being an emblem of the Divine Feminine, Venus challenges us to become empowered receivers of love. Intimacy is...

How to Use Crystals to Reduce Electromagnetic Smog
With most of the world heeding stay-at-home orders to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus, we’re more attached to our devices than ever. Between our jobs, entertainment, news, and...

Dream Poems: Turn Your Dreams Into a Creative Writing Practice
A lot of people have been reporting more intense and vivid dreams recently so I thought it would be a good time to share an exercise I use for dream...

Creating an Ancestral Altar
Our ancestors represent our closest connection to the unseen world. This is especially true for recently passed ancestors who once walked earthside alongside us and whose remains are now becoming...

Buried Treasure - The Preface cut by the publishers of CHSP
In my book, Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure, I discuss many of the philosophies I’ve formulated while developing Chakrubs. This book was a labor of love and while it touches...

Scrying with Rose Quartz
Rose quartz has long been regarded as a stone of love, compassion, and beauty. One ancient Greek myth posits that the crystal originated when Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty,...

Goddess Column: Lakshmi
Lakshmi: The Hindu Goddess of Abundance, Beauty and Auspiciousness One of the most revered Hindu Goddesses, Lakshmi is a multidimensional aspect of the divine that can act as a channel...