Non-Sexual Ways To Connect With Your Chakrub
This article was written by Julianna Carbonare There is a natural magnetism to Chakrubs, both in name and form, that many people find themselves drawn to. While the initial...

Cord Cutting with Black Obsidian
Anything we place our attention on creates a cord of connection that grows stronger in tandem with our focus. While day-to-day hiccups are typically easy to let go, negative self-concepts...

A Breast Massage for Emotional Alchemy
Breasts were our first home outside of the womb. Infants are placed upon their mother’s chest when they’re born and regardless of whether they’re breastfed, they are typically fed in...

Meditations & Ritual Ideas for the Rabbit Jade Chakrub
The Rabbit Jade is the Chakrub that started it all, the first prototype that Founder Vanessa Cuccia tried for herself that confirmed her belief that the world needed Chakrubs. Fitting,...

Releasing Throat Chakra Blocks Through The Cervix
When the flow of energy is blocked in the throat chakra, we often feel at a loss for words or a chronic tightness in the throat area. As the chakra...

Rejuvenate Your Love With a Venus Shrine
Venus reminds us that love is about two things— giving and receiving. Being an emblem of the Divine Feminine, Venus challenges us to become empowered receivers of love. Intimacy is...

Your Favorite Ritual Based On Your Moon Sign
While most people are familiar with their sun signs, moon signs often get paid less attention. It makes sense: our sun sign reflects how we present ourselves to the world,...

Creating an Ancestral Altar
Our ancestors represent our closest connection to the unseen world. This is especially true for recently passed ancestors who once walked earthside alongside us and whose remains are now becoming...