Intimacy & Spirituality: An Activation

Intimacy & Spirituality: An Activation

Intimacy & Spirituality: An Activation

Regular price $25.00

When: Tuesday, September 17th, 8-9pm EST. * 

Where: Zoom (link will be emailed upon checkout and again the day of the activation)
Who: Hosted by Jaliessa Sipress & Vanessa Cuccia

About this Activation:

Abstinence and s*x within marriage are the only “spiritual” beliefs about intimacy that are commonly accepted. 

You might’ve seen a sexy goddess statue in a dusty metaphysical store, or watched a shocking documentary about “twin flames” (hard to watch, but hard *not* to watch) but where are the curious, nuanced conversations about the connection between spirituality and intimacy?

Do you get that weird shame-hangover after self pleasure or intimacy with other people?

Where does that come from? 

Is it religious upbringing, societal programming, or your own inconsistencies and distance from owning your sexuality and what it means to you, spiritually? 

Intimacy & Spirituality: An Activation will be an evening of thought-provoking discourse hosted by Jaliessa Sipress and Vanessa Cuccia. Jaliessa and Vanessa will speak about the connection between spirituality and intimacy from a freedom-centered, agenda-less place. 

The goal of the conversation is for you to walk away with your own individualized understanding of how you want to approach intimacy and spirituality in your own life.

If you still feel tied to the beliefs of your religious upbringing, caught between “the virgin” and the “sacred wh*re” polarity, or are just incredibly curious about these spheres, this evening is for you.

You’ll be invited to share your experiences, questions, fears and triumphs with the process of reconciling spirituality and intimacy in your own life, or just digest as a silent observer, based on your comfort and preference. 


  • Thought-provoking discussion on the merging of spirituality and intimacy
  • Insights from Jaliessa Sipress and Vanessa Cuccia on how this level of understanding can bring you profound levity, freedom and confidence
  • Opportunities to ask questions, share personal stories, and engage in meaningful dialogue
  • A supportive and inclusive space where you can explore, integrate and self-discover

This is for you if:

  • You feel a sense of dissonance or conflict between your spiritual beliefs and your sensual identity or experiences
  • You want to deepen your understanding of the connection between spirituality and intimacy in your life, and in the world
  • You want to feel more confident and comfortable in your body 
  • You want to have more fun and playfulness with s*x
  • You want to stop hiding or shrinking and be more of *yourself* 
  • You want to eliminate your shame and confusion about s*x and spirituality
  • You want to know more about your own desires, so you can ask for what you want and get it

Spirituality and intimacy are foundational aspects of our life. 

Life can be more pleasurable when there is clarity, harmony and love where there was confusion, fear and dissatisfaction. 

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Jaliessa and Vanessa

P.S. there will *not be a recording available after the event, so please arrive as close to on time as you can!

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