What Role Does the Pelvic Floor Play with Sex? What Role Does the Pelvic Floor Play with Sex?

What Role Does the Pelvic Floor Play with Sex?

Are you curious about the important role that the 14 muscles that comprise our pelvic floor (or the “bicycle seat” muscles) play in our ability to orgasm and enjoy sex?

Locating the Pelvic Floor Muscles

Let’s start with where these muscles are in our body.

The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that extend from our pubic bone back to our tailbone and sit in a bowl shape at the bottom of our pelvis. The pelvic floor actually performs 3 main functions:

  1. The Elimination of Waste - controlling the closure and opening of the bowel and bladder.
  2. Organ Support - holding up all the essential organs like an awesome support base.
  3. Sexual Appreciation

Enhancing Sexual Appreciation

Let’s delve deeper into the third function, sexual appreciation. By this, I mean the enhancement of the orgasmic experience, a process similar to doing pelvic floor exercises since orgasms are essentially a series of small muscle contractions. These muscles function as sphincters, needing both contraction and relaxation like any other muscle in the body. Enhancing our sexual experiences and achieving more robust orgasms is possible by gaining greater control of these muscles, allowing them to relax and open, then contract. The more dynamic the movement we can achieve (the greater our muscles can contract and relax), the more sensation we will experience.

Identifying the Bony Landmarks

To pinpoint the location of these muscles in your own body, we'll identify the bony landmarks connected to the pelvic floor muscles. Start by placing your hands on your hips, adopting a “sassy” posture (feel free to wiggle your hips for a bit of fun!). This gesture indicates the top of your pelvis.

Next, take one hand and position the palm facing downwards on your belly button. Where your fingertips rest is your pubic bone, a primary attachment point of your pelvic floor. Using the same hand, find the top of your pants; the area your fingertips touch likely represents your tailbone, another crucial attachment point for the pelvic floor.

To find the last two points, sit on your hands and rock your pelvis back and forth, feeling your sit bones — the final two bony landmarks where your pelvic floor attaches, completing a diamond shape.

Executing Pelvic Floor Exercises

To effectively contract your pelvic floor muscles, envision drawing them up and inside your pelvis while bringing all four bony landmarks together. Executing a proper Kegel exercise involves subtle contractions, with no external muscles visibly contracting, remaining discreet in your efforts.

If you find it challenging to activate these muscles correctly due to weakness or lack of awareness, other muscles in your butt, legs, or abdomen might kick in to assist.

The Importance of Relaxation

It’s vital not to overlook the relaxation aspect, the other half of the Kegel narrative. Relaxing your pelvic floor muscles means allowing them to move in the opposite direction — downwards and towards your feet, facilitating both contraction and relaxation for a full Kegel experience.

Pelvic Floor Check-In

A fully functional pelvic floor that can contract and relax wholly promises more pleasure during sex, enhancing your muscle’s capacity to assist with the pelvic floor’s primary functions.

To perform a Pelvic Floor Check-In, find a tranquil place where you can focus solely on your body for a few minutes. Visualize the four bony landmarks moving together before lifting towards your heart, then easing apart and descending towards your feet. Remain curious as you perform this check-in, asking yourself:

  1. Which was easier, executing the Kegel or the reverse Kegel?
  2. Do you perceive a more pronounced lift and release in a specific part of your body, like your glutes or clitoris?

A balanced pelvic floor yields equal muscle movement from the pubic bone/clitoris to the tailbone/rectum. Keep the spirit of curiosity alive, as it stands as the key to unraveling the secrets of your body, empowering you to explore deeper dimensions of pleasure and awareness.

If you require further assistance, don't hesitate to consult a local pelvic floor therapist, professionals dedicated to helping individuals gain a richer understanding of their bodies.


Lindsey Vestal
Lindsey Vestel owns The Functional Pelvis, a private practice specializing in pelvic floor therapy “house calls” for pre and postnatal women. As an Occupational Therapist, she is a passionate promoter of bridging pelvic floor rehabilitation with lifestyle modifications while addressing the psychological impact that pelvic floor issues have on our everyday lives.To learn more, visit her site www.functionalpelvis.com or follow her on Instagram at @functionalpelvis.
(this article has been updated by Chakrubs)

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