If you have the desire to intentionally bring more balance into your life and overall energy, the zodiac is a natural place to start. Whether you find your birth chart to be overly dominated by a certain element (water, earth, air, or fire) or in a certain quality (cardinal, mutable, or fixed) the signs provide many insights to us on where to create more balance for ourselves.
This reading will provide you with a clear intention to bring balance to your sign. You then will be able to incorporate this into a practice with your Chakrub or crystal with the affirmation we provide. We recommend reading for the sign that either dominates your chart the most or that resonates with you (sun, rising, or moon).
Chakrubscopes are a unique blend of tarot and astrology with crystal healing and affirmations. You can read for each of your sun, rising, and moon signs if you know them.
You’re being asked to call upon gratitude to soothe you in moments of frustration or overwhelm. Notice how this simple practice has the ability to brighten the cobwebbed corners of your subconscious, making them less intimidating to sweep away.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I give myself permission to celebrate my greatness through gratitude.
When we summon the courage to face our shadows, we’re met with the realization that they are not as big or scary as we imagined them to be. If anything, it’s these shy and hurt parts of ourselves that need extra love and acceptance.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I accept my shadows and look to them for insights on how to move forward in wholeness.
You might ruffle some feathers when you enforce new boundaries, but relationships that respect your limits will ultimately thrive. Trust that healthy boundaries will not trap you, but empower you by creating support and structure where there once was none.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: Creating and honoring healthy boundaries helps me feel supported in breaking new ground.
You’re being asked to tune into your platonic connections and the support that exists within these friendships. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking that no one understands you or that you’re doomed to be alone. Invest in friendships where you feel seen and heard.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: Being a true friend to myself helps me create standards of conduct for my other relationships.
Good Fortune
Allow yourself to feel inspired to chase after your dreams. Instead of looking for a trap door, believe that you deserve the good things that are coming to you and affirm your right to receive.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I spend time exploring how pleasure can act as a magnet that draws my desires closer.
You do not need to look outside of yourself for healing, it comes from within. You are your own healer and you’re being invited to act upon this wisdom by being curious about the different ways you can restore yourself to fullness.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I am willing to investigate my ability to self-soothe using only the tools of my mind, body, and soul.
Safe Travel
Feel confident following the compass of your heart. It’s only when you let the endless opinions of others (and your own anxious self-doubt) interfere that your mission gets blurry. Know that you will arrive exactly where you are meant to be as long as you don’t let outside forces influence your direction.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I trust my body to safely guide me to the spaces where I am most needed.
You might prefer the ephemeral waters of the subconscious, but you’re being asked to find strength in what grounds you. It can be fun to swim through dream worlds and other dimensions, but we were placed on this earth with the intention of existing in it. Lean on practices that remind you of what roots you.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I trust that I showed up in this body on this earth to make a physical difference.
What does it mean to live well and be taken care of? What systems would need to be in place for you to feel free to relax into the abundance you’ve created? Your ability to manifest is not in question, but are you allowing yourself time to truly enjoy your blessings?
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: A regular self-pleasure practice reminds me to taste the fruits of my labor.
Divine Masculine
Consistency is integral to success, but you’re being asked to shake up your usual modus operandi in favor of exuberance and boldness. Don’t sit back and wait for the object of your affection to notice you, make your intentions clear.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I am willing to depart from a proven path to experiment with new methods.
Spiritual Cleansing
It’s time to take inventory of where you feel stuck or blocked and cleanse these areas of your life. This cleansing requires a willingness to remove the people, habits, or things in your environment that are compromising your clarity and intuitive gifts.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: I detach from anything and anyone that threatens my peace of mind.
Now is the time to trust that the storms will clear and the sun will shine again. Luck is what you make it and the power of belief is strong. Have the courage to believe that good things are coming your way, even if your present reality says otherwise.
Intention to infuse into your Chakrub or crystals: When I believe myself worthy of receiving good luck, all forces in the universe collaborate to reinforce this optimism.
Feature Image by Sarah Cardamone
The original text was edited by Julianna Carbonare on April 27, 2021.