The Tarot invites us to look under our beds and confront the monsters that we’ve been ignoring. Rather than hide from or pretend that our inner demons don’t exist, we are asked to learn their origin stories and how they once protected us from harm. This is how we bring our monsters into the light and how we can demonstrate to ourselves that our scariest parts are worthy of love and attention.
This reading is tailored to your moon sign as the moon is the representative of our emotional bodies. And our emotional body is the home to all of our layers of protection, conditioning, and repression— this is where the shadow lives. When we do the work to uncover our shadow and meet it with love and acceptance, we allow our own inner light to heal us from within. Below you will find the message and affirmation that your moon sign needs to integrate a piece of its shadow.
Chakrubscopes are a unique blend of tarot and astrology with crystal healing and affirmations. You can read for each of your sun, rising, and moon signs if you know them.
Five of Cups
How do you pick yourself up after defeat or disappointment? Who does it serve when you fixate on everything that’s wrong? Allow yourself time to process and grieve what has been lost, but know that just like all things in life, this is merely a season and it too shall pass. You’ll find this phase easier to move through when you can recognize its impermanence and appreciate its lessons.
Affirmation: I allow myself space to grieve while recognizing that all is not lost.
Page of Wands
Tap into your power while being clear on just how far it extends. Know what you are capable of without trying to assert your will over others. The Page of Wands indicates inspired, fiery energy, but you should be mindful of where you direct it and what purpose it serves or there’s a possibility that you could burn everything in your path.
Affirmation: I honor my power by being intentional about which spells I cast and why.
The High Priestess
Take the time and space you need so that you can access your intuition with greater ease. Become curious about your inner worlds and tend to the unseen aspects of your life. Your sign is one that tends to be motivated by rewards, but the gifts of the High Priestess are the more subtle kind, like increased clarity and a stronger connection to your highest self.
Affirmation: I learn to speak the languages of my guides and ancestors by listening first.
The Hermit
You need not look for validation outside of yourself, The Hermit wants you to embark on a personal journey that will prepare you to be your own teacher. You have to learn to distinguish your own thoughts, beliefs, and intuitions from those around you so that you can be sure you’re moving in the right direction. That might mean limiting the voices of others who have strong opinions about what you should or shouldn’t be doing.
Affirmation: I tune out the noise so that my inner voice can guide me.
Ten of Cups
There is something to be grateful for and something to celebrate in your life right now. Don’t be shy in speaking these blessings aloud and expressing your gratitude and worthiness to receive them. At the same time, do not become overly attached to this moment of abundance, for all things must evolve and change. Imagine that your appreciation will act as a spell to attract more of your desires.
Affirmation: I exalt my accomplishments as I humbly step into the future.
Ace of Swords
You’re being invited to bring logic, reason, and rationale to whatever problem you are currently facing. In order to land on clarity, you must slow down and become witness to your thoughts. Notice which ones are intrusive and unhelpful and which ones will steer you in the direction of heightened perspective. An automatic writing or voice recording practice could help you start to organize your thoughts.
Affirmation: I am intentional about which thought patterns I invest in and which ones I divert from.
Ace of Cups
A new cycle is beginning and you’re learning to lean into the wisdom of your emotions and feelings, perhaps by releasing a tendency to second guess or discount your experiences. Ace of Cups represents hope and opportunity, a chance to do things differently and with enhanced intuition. You are discovering the strength of honest vulnerability, try to stay committed even when others don’t show up in the same way.
Affirmation: My emotional capacity expands the more I honor and give it attention.
Nine of Swords
Your demons will continue to haunt you as long as you continue to look away from them. They are demanding your attention for a reason and you must be willing to explore them if you ever want them to leave you alone. It’s okay to be frightened or any other emotion you might be experiencing, but try not to let them stop you from doing the shadow work that is calling your attention right now.
Affirmation: I give attention to the thoughts that keep rising in order to put them to rest.
Queen of Wands
You’re beginning to recognize how much power you hold and that’s likely to make some people uncomfortable. This is not a sign that you need to step back or shrink yourself, but that you should stand even more firmly in your truth. Now is the time to lean into magical practices that will affirm your growing potential, such as self-pleasure.
Affirmation: I fan the flames of my potential by honoring my desires.
Queen of Coins
This is an especially fertile month for you, so be mindful of what you devote your energy towards and have a clear idea of what you hope to bring forward. The key to an effective abundance practice is believing that you are worthy of receiving the things you want and being grateful for what you have in this moment. See if you can be generous in spirit and release lack mentality at the same time.
Affirmation: I spend time and energy nurturing the abundance that I hope to manifest.
Queen of Cups
You’re being invited to find inspiration in your emotions, to translate your feelings through song, dance, music, or some creative pursuit. Our emotions are a powerful force, not unlike the sea, and though we cannot predict its tides, we can learn to slow down and pay attention, to let ourselves drift without fighting the currents.
Affirmation: Honoring the waves of my emotions allows me to pour from a full cup.
Two of Wands
You are being offered a gift and at the same time, you have a gift to share with the world. The Two of Wands invites you to consider how you are in exchange with your environment and whether the gifts you’re giving are coming from an authentic, impassioned place. This is a card that invites you to think about what you are moving towards and empowers you to change direction if needed.
Affirmation: I have a lifetime to perfect the gifts that are mine to share with the world.
The original text was edited by Julianna Carbonare.
Feature image by Cecelia Di Paolo
An insightful read on integrating your shadow through moon signs! A beautifully written guide that offers deep personal growth and celestial wisdom. Thanks for sharing this transformative knowledge!