How to Energetically Cleanse Your Chakrub
Discover the transformative practice of energetic cleansing for your Chakrub—a journey of alchemy that revitalizes its vibrational essence. Uncover the profound connection between crystals and consciousness, understanding the importance of...

8 Accessible Ways to Self Care this Holiday Season
Even though Christmas carols hail it as “the best time of the year,” the holiday season is difficult for many. Dreary days and early nights leave us inside to sulk,...

Chakrubs & Acupressure
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine that is based on the anatomy of the internal organs and how they are all interconnected by pathways called meridians. The...

How to Nourish the Chakra System through Diet
Many of the imbalances we experience in life can be traced in part to a blockage within our main chakra system. Chakras are energy centers and so it makes sense...