Fulfill Your Deepest Desires Through Lucid Dreaming

I remember being young and telling my mother about a scary dream I kept having. Her solution? Change the dream. She told me that I had the ability to control...

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Chakrubs on CONAN!

Last night, July 11th, 2017, a dream came true for me! Chakrubs was featured on Conan by Dr. Berman, a sex-expert and urologist, who taught Conan about all the benefits...

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How to Create an Altar Space for Your Chakrub

One of the biggest questions you might have upon receiving your Chakrub is where to store it. Many of us have been taught to hide tools of pleasure, usually in...

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Using a Pendulum to Determine Chakra Health

If you want to use a pendulum to determine the health of your chakras, you can track the swing of the pendulum when it is above one of the chakras....

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Why Crystals?

Love is the driving force of life and crystals are love stones. They are powerful expressions of love and passion- gently romantic or strongly erotic! They can help heal broken...

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81-85 of 85 articles