


Regular price $60.00
Chakrubs Workshops teach supportive practices that you can add to your everyday life or existing Chakrubs practice. Each workshop comes with a new practice + journaling worksheet for reflecting on its teachings.

Vanessa Cuccia, founder of Chakrubs, guides you through this workshop where you will learn and follow along as she performs a cord-cutting ceremony. We explore the concept of cord-cutting in relation to the theme of RELEASE. This workshop will help you clear blocks and energetic cords that no longer serve you through the release of stagnant energy. If you have a past memory, ex-lover, or stuck belief that you would like to ceremoniously release, this workshop is for you. 

*It is important to note that during this practice additional information may come up, or layers may shed revealing what else is stuck in the energy system. Return to this practice as many times as you need. 

Maria Soledad guides you through this workshop and practice of creating a powerful, sensual opening within the body through a simple, daily practice you can perform anywhere. We explore the concept of opening and how to work with the blocks that keep us closed off and stagnant in life. This workshop will help you build the trust and confidence you need to relax into your sensuality. Experience the joy of pleasure through open energy and confidence. This workshop is for anyone who wants support opening their energetic and sensual bodies. When our bodies are open, we are open to abundance, expansion, and many modes of pleasure.

Erica Rodas guides you through a breast massage practice with the intention of opening the body to receiving energetic gifts such as pleasure, love, and abundance more fully. This workshop explores what it means to receive (for you) and helps you to identify the blocks you may have in place that are preventing you from receiving life to its fullest. By working with the breasts, also known as the heart space, you can gently and confidently open yourself back up to sensation and make yourself available to all the frequencies that life has to offer. 

This workshop includes a guided audio breast massage meditation and a PDF workbook with journaling prompts to support you before and after the practice. 

*This digital package will be delivered via email in fillable, PDF form.

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