How Do I Get Off with a Stone Wand? An Essay by Vanessa Cuccia
“I feel really embarrassed to ask this question but that just means I have to ask it! I’m very excited to purchase a Chakrub when the jade one becomes available...

Ev'Yan Whitney's Tips for Using Chakrubs
One thing that vibrators never gave me was a full, unhindered connection to my sexuality. There was always a level of detachment, however small, that kept me from accessing the...

7 Ways to Protect Your Energy & Cultivate Intentional Casual Encounters
After centuries of being force-fed shameful and repressive rhetoric regarding sex, many are beginning to recognize that not only is sex natural, but understanding one’s sexual impulses and cravings can...

7 Tips on Gender & Sex Etiquette in the 21st Century
As Bob Dylan once sang, the times they are a’changing, meaning that the ways in which we approach certain topics must evolve accordingly. Although we’ve made strides in LGBTQIA equality...