I came across Kathryn Garcia on Instagram and was immediately deeply intrigued by the work she was doing. It was one of those moments where a photograph speaks a thousand vibrations. I could feel the energy of her work solely through the photographs, showing me how deeply true it was, and how powerful it must be in person. I connected with it so much that I reach out to her, and now I have some poetic and beautiful words to share with you from Kathryn herself.
See below and make sure to check out Kathryn’s work here.
Words from the artist:
“These works all deal with geometry and the body-where geometry is vibration turned into form. The pieces are designed to harness energy. What I’m doing is using the objects to create energetic portals, I then integrate myself into the portals. The objects are reflective which allows me to play with light. When the objects are glowing it is because the sun is bouncing off of them. Essentially I think of this as light work. I am an artist, I am also a healer and I am using my body as a portal or conduit for higher energies, thereby anchoring the light.
All of my work stems from my spiritual practice.
The ritual aspect goes like this- create the portal, enter the portal, meditate, lose the ego, disappear, surrender, tune into higher frequencies, become a conduit for the light, heal the self, practice loving kindness, direct the energy outward to loved ones, to difficult people, to friends, family, and to all beings. I think of my body in the same way I think of the objects, as a conduit, a medium for higher frequencies. It is also the female form. In the climate we live in today the female form is always political, I want to create an empowered image of the female form, my work is an expression of freedom – the freedom to be, the freedom from ego – it is about letting go. While I am within the work I usually recite mantra, “I am vessel for the light”, “I am a vessel for the divine feminine”, “I am a vessel for the Goddess”, “I am a conduit”. Freedom comes from serving a higher purpose which allows me to lose any identification with a “self” with “Kathryn Garcia”. I become the energy I wish to transmit, the body becomes a vessel. This also allows me the courage to share these images with the world – knowing that I am serving a higher purpose.
Who am I trying to reach? — Everyone. My intention is to inspire people to follow their path, to see the light within, my intention is to create images that embody a higher consciousness, a consciousness we all have the ability to access. I create images in order to raise vibrations, to express that, as women, our bodies are powerful – we give birth to ideas, we give birth to children, and we give birth to ourselves. When I post the images on social media I think of them as interventions into the collective conscious, my intention is to bring in a little more light, a little more inspiration, a little more freedom, a little more positivity. The pyramid is an archetype – it exists already in our subconscious minds, as is the female body. The images integrated into culture create a type of rupture, a rupture with the mundane, with the programmed mind. Humans are magic makers, each one of us holds a key within us, each one of contains the light, each path is unique, there is no formula, what is important is the search within. I want to inspire others to embark on the exploration. I really believe humans are magic, we just need to remember this, society tries to teach us otherwise, especially women. Centuries of patriarchy. As women we must re-birth ourselves, on our own terms. Through these actions – I give birth to myself, to an archaic and ancient feminine consciousness that has always existed and continues to exist through me, they are a return to The Mother, a return to the Divine Feminine, a return to who we really are.”