Crystal Sex Toys: A Way To Sexual Healing Crystal Sex Toys: A Way To Sexual Healing

Crystal Sex Toys: A Way To Sexual Healing

Physical pleasure and particularly self-pleasure are proven to ease the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote self-esteem. This is where the foundational ideas of sexual healing come in. 

Crystal sex toys (ie. Chakrubs) take these positives of physical pleasure even deeper by involving crystal-therapy practices that promote mindfulness, sensitivity, and yes— mysticism. In this article, we will explore deeper the connection between crystals and their potential for sexual healing.

The healing properties of crystals

We are physical and energetic beings. Our bodies are in a constant state of exchanging energy with everything around us — from people, sounds, sights, emotions, and more.

Crystals emit a naturally consistent vibration, whereas our energy is dependent on details like what food we eat, our stress levels, our sleep habits, and more. Take a second to imagine the experience of being intimate with someone who was constantly vibrating at a consistent and high frequency. Naturally, your own vibration would be influenced by this higher frequency.

While there are not many clinical studies dedicated to crystal healing benefits, the consistent vibrational quality of crystals has been recognized for centuries. Crystals are still used for many functional purposes today such as in electronics and in many building materials. 

But perhaps the most impressive use of crystals has been the birth of their collective acceptance. In other words, the meanings behind each type of crystal has carried on throughout centuries. There is a sense of collective symbolism for each kind of crystal. For example, when we see red jasper, we think of fire, power, confidence, and sacral sexuality.

The power of our subconscious mind with the way it assigns symbolism and meaning to different stimuli is not to be underrated. Imagine the power of having an regularly accessible object that always imbues feelings of love, calmness, and joy to your subconscious upon sight or touch. This is part of the philosophy of working with crystals and Chakrubs.

And of course, there is a mystical element to crystals. Humans have held a natural attraction and interest in crystals since they were first discovered. Their beauty is not only intriguing, but many feel in tune to the consciousness of crystals— a sense that there is a living spirit interacting and engaging with us through the crystal's physicality.

Another belief is that crystals hold memory, another form of energy. This means that any powerful interactions (e.g. orgasm) you have with your Chakrub, are then imbued into the crystal's molecular makeup. 

The more time you spend with your Chakrub, the more its imbued energy becomes a stronger and more prevalent force in your own body and life.


Crystals & Sexual Energy

On a physical level, crystal sex toys like Chakrubs and yoni eggs can help increase the strength and connection to vaginal muscles which will in turn intensify orgasms and overall pleasure. Because crystals have a positive effect on our electromagnetic field, Chakrubs are excellent natural conductors of energy within the body.

Different crystals will connect with different areas of our Chakra system and hence with different elements of our sexual energy. Sexual energy, or lifeforce, is the energy that moves up and down through our body’s Chakra system. 

A Chakrub made out of black obsidian assists in getting over past relationships and repelling negativity. It also enhances stability, sexual health and self control. Black obsidian has been used for hundreds of years to ease ovaries, wombs and root chakras.

White jasper is a crystal that has been used for thousands of years to help women get over distractions in everyday life. A white jasper Chakrub releases negative thoughts, encourages the opening of your heart chakra and boosts energy levels. It also encourages serenity and peace of mind.

Rose quartz is a mineral that when used correctly opens the heart chakra to all forms of love and helps relieve stress. A rose quartz Chakrub also makes you more attractive to potential partners and boosts your confidence.

Each Chakrub has its own metaphysical properties that result in it emitting a certain frequency of energy. The experience of “getting off” with a rose quartz Chakrub is going to feel different than with a Chakrub from The Shadow Line, made with pure black obsidian crystal.

It takes openness and practice to consciously feel these shifts. That is why intention and ritual are an important aspect of crystal healing work.

We offer a variety of products that are made out of these three crystals. We also offer products made with other minerals like jade, amethyst, and rhodonite.

Whether you’re choosing your first Chakrub or your fifth, we encourage you to make this decision from your intuition and go with the material or type of crystal you are most drawn to.

The most exciting part about crystal sex toys is that they don’t just bring pleasure, they promote health and healing as well. Chakrubs don’t just provide a way to “get off”, but are a method of exploration, reclamation, and multi-body healing. It’s up to you how you deep you want to go. 

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